The Impact of Cold Weather on Spine Health

As the temperatures start to drop more and more, many people begin to experience changes in their physical health. Cold weather tends to have a big impact on the spine. Here’s how cold weather affects spine health:

  • Increased Risk of Back Pain: The tightening of your muscles in cold weather can enhance prior back issues or create new ones. Cold weather makes it harder to maintain warmth which can lead to discomfort and pain. 
  • Muscle Stiffness and Reduced Flexibility: When your body’s temperature starts to go down, your body immediately reacts by constricting the blood vessels to preserve heat. This can lead to reduced blood flow which causes your muscles to contract and stiffen. 
  • Physiological Response: When you’re cold, your body redirects blood flow from the extremities to vital organs to preserve heat. This can lead to decreased circulation in the muscles which causes discomfort in the back.