Winter Home Remedies For Soothing Back Pain

Winter is pretty challenging on your spine with the reduced activity, the cold, and the stiff muscles. Here are some home remedies you can try that may soothe back pain:

  • Stretch Regularly: Movement is key to keeping your spine healthy and pain-free. Engaging in gentle stretches like the child’s pose can help to loosen up your muscles which can help to reduce the risk for injury and pain.
  • Use Heat Therapy to Ease Tension: Cold weather tends to cause the muscles to tighten up which can worsen back pain. Heat therapy can help to relax tense muscles and improve blood flow. A great and relaxing thing to practice heat therapy is by taking a warm bath.
  • Maintain a Healthy Winter Lifestyle: Maintaining a healthy winter lifestyle is the most important thing to do to achieve long-term spine health. It’s important to stay active, dress appropriately, and stay hydrated.