The foundation for a happy, healthy day is a good night's sleep. A good night's sleep, on the other hand, may be difficult to obtain for individuals with chronic pain.…
The foundation for a happy, healthy day is a good night's sleep. A good night's sleep, on the other hand, may be difficult to obtain for individuals with chronic pain.…
Chronic back and neck pain can make it hard to do the things you love. It can affect your work, family life, sleep quality, and overall health. William Capicotto MD…
If you've made the new years resolution to get healthier try something simple to start. Drinking water and staying hydrated can have many positive health benefits. Your body needs a…
We all know that chronic back and neck pain can reduce your quality of life, but it is hard to find the right treatment. Most people suffer for years before…
The right type of light at the wrong time of day can make it difficult to fall asleep. Blue wavelengths, like those emitted from our phones, tablets, and computers, can…
More and more, doctors are recommending that people stay active to reduce pain rather than prescribing rest. This is because staying active––whether it's stretching daily or exercising––helps to boost circulation;…
You can renew your commitment to good health by making a resolution this year to adopt healthier habits. A better lifestyle starts with simple changes such as drinking milk or…
Slip and fall accidents are a serious threat to your health, especially if you're older or have an existing back or neck injury. Rushing across the ice is a certain…
Wearing extra layers and protecting your extremities is key to helping prevent winter neck and back pain. Our spines are supported by an intricate network of muscles, tendons, and sensitive…
Back pain is common among people who work in the construction industry. This can be caused by lifting heavy items, repetitive tasks, or general strain from doing manual labor. Most…