Medical With Dr. Capicotto

Dive into the world of spinal health where we focus solely on the medical aspect of Dr. Capicotto’s practice. Here we discuss various surgical procedures, the instruments used, and case studies from patients who have found success and relief with Dr. Capicotto’s expertise. Understand the intricacies of spine health and the transformative power of advanced surgical techniques – including minimally invasive spine surgery! We believe knowledge is power, especially when it comes to your health. 

When examining this patient I discovered several abnormalities, the most significant being a disc herniation at C5-6 (cervical/neck region of the spine) and severe radiculopathy where the spinal cord is being pinched.

Cervical Spinal Fusion + Treating Radiculopathy

Having chronic arm pain and muscle weakness is usually an indicator of a larger problem. When examining this patient I discovered several abnormalities, the most ...
The question today is: can we keep the spinal plate or do we have to remove it during this patient's discectomy?

Discectomy: Can We Leave The Spinal Plate In Place?

This patient has been with me for a few years and has a C3-C6 fusion. Now, they have a disc herniation at C6-7, which is ...
Check out this before and after where I performed a 4-level anterior cervical fusion to align their neck better and alleviate pain.

4-Level Anterior Cervical Fusion

This patient has advanced cervical spondylolisthesis – where one vertebrae slips forward out of alignment onto another – resulting in horrible neck pain and headaches ...
This patient had two herniated discs, plus a little spondylolisthesis. Let's take a closer look at this minimally invasive spinal fusion.

Minimally Invasive Spinal Fusion

Numbness and tingling in the legs combined with lower back pain is usually a sign of a problem. In this case, it turned out to ...
My patient had a previous spinal fusion that didn't completely heal, in addition to a disc herniation. See this revised spinal fusion.

Revised Spinal Fusion Surgery

In this video, my patient had a previous spinal fusion at C6-C7 that didn't completely heal, in addition to a disc herniation at C5-C6. In ...
Let me show you a case where I implanted a trial neurostimulator for five days to see if it provided this patient with any relief.

Spine Surgery: Trial Neurostimulator

Let me show you a case where a patient who had a spinal fusion a number of years ago, later developed chronic pain. I implanted ...

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Spring Forward with a Stronger Spine

Spring Forward with a Stronger Spine

Spring is a season of renewal, growth, and new starts. If you’re looking for something to improve in this upcoming season, why not improve your ...
Spring Exercises for March

Spring Exercises for March

March is here which means Spring will be on its way with warm weather, beautiful flowers, and sunshine. Now that the weather will be getting ...
March Madness for Your Spine: Avoiding Injuries

March Madness for Your Spine: Avoiding Injuries

March is here and with it comes the excitement for March Madness! Whether you’re playing basketball yourself or watching the game, it’s important to prioritize ...
Causes of Sciatica

Causes of Sciatica

Sciatica refers to pain that radiates along the sciatic nerve. Sciatica isn’t necessarily a condition itself, but a symptom of an underlying issue. Here are ...
Potential Risks of Back Cracking

Potential Risks of Back Cracking

Cracking your back is relatively safe, but can come with potential risks when you do it yourself: Misalignments: Improper self-adjustments can worsen existing spinal misalignments ...
How To Use a Foam Roller for Upper Back Relief

How To Use a Foam Roller for Upper Back Relief

A foam roller can be the perfect tool to relieve upper back pain. Foam rolling can help to release tightness and increase mobility. Here’s a ...