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Welcome to the blog section! Here you’ll find a wealth of information on spine health, wellness, and lifestyle, as well as insights into the medical practice of doctor William Capicotto. From detailed tips on maintaining a healthy spine, in-depth articles on surgical procedures, and general information on the goings-on within the office, we cover it all.

Everyday Habits That Could Be Hurting Your Spine
Your spine is one of the most important parts of your body. It helps to support your movements and keep your posture aligned. However, many ...

Arm Day at Jada Blitz Fitness
Where else would you rather be than right here, right now? Getting an early morning workout in and watching the sunrise at Jada Blitz! Suns ...

Sacroiliac Joint Fusion (Part 2/2)
(Part 2/2) For our second sacroiliac (SI) joint fusion, this patient has severe osteoarthritis of the SI joint. Today we're starting on the right joint ...

Sacroiliac Joint Fusion (Part 1/2)
(Part 1/2) When I first started in spine surgery, having sacroiliac (SI) joint instability wasn't accepted as a potential condition. But times have changed, and ...

Running the Rack
Raising the bar on... well, raising the bar! This Wednesday workout was all about the upper body like our triceps and shoulders. We started with ...

Minimally Invasive Pedicle Screws
By using minimally invasive pedicle screws to add extra strength and support, I was able to decompress this patient's spine to treat their spondylolisthesis, sciatica, ...
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Resolutions For A Healthier Back
New year, new spine! The new year brings the perfect opportunity for a fresh start. Here are some practical resolutions for a healthier back for ...

Spine-Friendly New Year’s Eve Activities
New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration, reflection, and fun; however, some New Year’s Eve activities can be a lot for those who struggle ...

Chiropractic Care: Myths and Facts
Chiropractic care is often surrounded by misconceptions. Understanding the true facts can help you make informed decisions about your spine health. Myth 1 Chiropractors Only ...

Common Causes of Back Pain in Teens
Back pain tends to be associated with older adults, but can affect those of all ages including teenagers. The modern lifestyle has had a huge ...

Winter Home Remedies For Soothing Back Pain
Winter is pretty challenging on your spine with the reduced activity, the cold, and the stiff muscles. Here are some home remedies you can try ...

Maintaining Vitamin D Levels During Winter
The sun’s rays are not as strong during the winter as they are during the summer which makes it harder to maintain vitamin D levels ...